The Amazing Adventures of Super Al (and friends) revolves around a city that is constantly plagued by monstrous threats and schemes of villainy. And like every comic book city, this one has its own resident superhero. Hailed from the Planet STIK from a distant universe, Super AL dwells in this city as a guardian of peace and justice. Like other inhabitants of the planet STIK, AL was born with the power of flight, super strength and a powerful gaze that can alter the size of things. No one remembers the day when Super AL first visited our city, but he has remained ever since as the hero everyone is familiar with. But in his secret identity, Al is the typical next door guy who has friends who push him around, a girl he likes who never seems to pay much attention to him, endless villains and disasters to keep him busy and of course, an entire population who are blind to the difference(or similarities) between him and his superhero alter-ego.
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Super AL is our bungling hero who is always so eager to take on a problem. But charging headlong into a situation doesn’t always work out for him. So Super AL relies more on his unique “gaze” and a bit of creativity to save the day. This is one superhero who can think out of the box!
the bad guy is evil, he is scheming and he laughs an evil laugh. All he wants is to create trouble and mischief, but thanks to Super AL, his evil plans are always foiled. Where there are heroes and villains, you can be sure that it doesn’t pay to be the bad guy!
monster is one hungry creature that will swallow anything it can get its jaws on. Is it evil or is it merely too hungry? Or perhaps it simply has a sweet tooth and is looking for a treat?
Boy is a regular citizen in the city, he represents one of the many people whom Super AL serves and protects.